The Rotary Club of North Plainfield and Plainfield celebrated another successful year with their annual dinner at Giovanna’s Restaurant. President-elect Mike Castoral welcomed the thirty-two members and guests to the special dinner meeting.
Standing in place of Club President Ravenell Williams, Mike re-capped the year’s activities, including the following; 17th Annual Wine Tasting Dinner, raising money for scholarships; Service Above Self Award presented to North Plainfield Mayor Mike Giordano; 89th Annual Track and Field Meet; Successful fundraising at Rutgers University basketball games; Support for the Rotary International Polio Plus project to eliminate polio from the world; Support for a foster son in Ecuador through Homes of Hope Sponsor Me Project; Induction of five new members during 2015-2016; Working with and supporting our North Plainfield High School Interact Club; Supporting North Plainfield High School Project Graduation; Establishing the inaugural Early Act Club at Stony Brook School in North Plainfield; Awarding over $23,000 in scholarships to North Plainfield and Plainfield high school seniors; Presenting Student of the Month Awards to North Plainfield High School students, selected by Interact Club Adviser Alexandra Pereira; Growing fresh vegetables for those in need at the Giving Garden in the Wagner Farm Arboretum in Warren; Hosting a free Pancake Breakfast for senior citizens in Plainfield and in North Plainfield; Donating food to the Star Fish Food Pantry in Plainfield on a monthly basis; Packaging and delivering holiday meals for twelve families for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter through the Star Fish Food Pantry Holiday Meals Program; Earning the Rotary International Bronze Presidential Citation for achieving goals of both Rotary International and the club; Presentation of free dictionaries to third grade students in both North Plainfield and in Plainfield; Hosting a special meeting of all Rotary Clubs in Somerset County, where invited, Interact Clubs gave presentations on their activities; Donation to Courier News Wish Book to assist recreation needs of residents at the Park Hotel in Plainfield; Presentation of Certificate of Outstanding Achievement to Eagle Scout Max Rohrer; Hosting four dinners for the homeless staying at the Plainfield YMCA shelter; Developed and launched a new club website; Donated back-to-school supplies to the Netherwood Heights Neighborhood Association for children in need at Cook School; and Sponsored tickets for Interact Club students to attend a Somerset Patriots baseball game.
The Club then presented a Rotary International Presidential Citation to Alexandra Pereira, adviser to the North Plainfield Interact Club, for the club’s accomplishments during the 2015- 2016 Rotary year. The Interact Club was one of the few clubs in Rotary District 7510 to achieve the special recognition.
The annual meeting also was an opportunity to recognize volunteers who helped out at many of the club’s projects over the year. Projects such as Rutgers basketball concession duty, the Track and Field Meet, the Pancake Breakfast and others were supported by the North Plainfield Interact Club and by friends of the club. Interact Club members attending the dinner were Yanqing Liang, Brenda Okereke, Matthew Cabrera, Clarissa Zabala, Genesis Ramirez, Jiovanni Rivas, Marisol Hernandez, Brendan Cheung, Nikita Forrester and Kevin Forrester.
One of the Club’s faithful friends and supporters is Harry Allen of North Plainfield, husband of Rotarian Janice Allen. Harry was recognized by the club with the presentation of a framed “Certificate of Membership” as an honorary member of the club. The certificate recognized him for “his commitment to the Rotary Ideal of Service, his faithful support for the club, and his endearing friendship.”
Officers for the current year are all continuing in their positions for the 2016-2017 year. They include President Ravenell Williams; President Elect Michael Castoral; Vice President Roberta Smith; Secretary/Treasurer Michael Townley; Sergeant at Arms Tom Reedy.
The Rotary Club of Plainfield-North Plainfield welcomes new members who have an interest in serving others while developing new friendships.
The club meets Wednesdays at 12:15 PM in Giovanna’s Restaurant, 1462 South Avenue, Plainfield. Come as a guest and see what Rotary is all about.
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