Fitness & Training Available to Roselle Park Recreation Members

Fitness & Training

Fitness & Training is available to Roselle Park Recreation members from Bigger Faster Stronger strength and conditioning initiative.

CoEd 3rd-5th

This program is offered to children grades 3 through 5.

CoEd 6th-8th

This program is offered to children grades 6 through 8.

CoEd 9th-12th

This program is offered to boys grades 9 through 12.

Programs will utilize the most effective strength and fitness training techniques and exercises using both bodyweight and developmentally appropriate fitness equipment. Furthermore, athletes will also enhance their speed, agility and running technique through specific drills.

*If you qualify for the RPSD free/reduced lunch program and/or you are registering 3 or more children for the SAME program, please contact BEFORE registering.

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