In scouting, only 4% of overall boy achieve the rank of Eagle Scout (other statistics show 6%). Even though the percentage has been trending upward over the years, the award is still incredibly rare, making the Eagle Scout rank quite a significant accomplishment in a boy scout’s life. Ryan Bonk, a scout from Troop 177 in Mountainside, achieved the rank of Eagle Scout and was formally recognized by Mayor Paul Mirabelli at the Mountainside Borough Council meeting on December 29, 2015. The mayor read aloud the proclamation recognizing Ryan’s accomplishment and his Eagle Scout Project. Ryan received a copy of the proclamation commemorating his achievement.
To earn the Eagle Scout rank a Boy Scout must fulfill requirements in the areas of leadership, service, and outdoor skills. A scout must earn 21 merit badges; plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to the community; and demonstrate that he has lived by the principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law in his daily life. Ryan earned 33 Merit badges and completed his service project at the Reeves-Reed Arboretum in Summit, New Jersey.
The Reeves-Reed Arboretum, listed on the National and State Registers of Historic Places, has been a site of architectural, botanical, and historical significance since the American Revolution, and fosters a deep appreciation of nature and history. To support this mission, Ryan’s service project aided the Arboretum in improving trail accessibility, thus assisting more visitors to safely and comfortably explore the grounds.
Ryan fundraised for project materials with the help of local businesses. Working with his friends, family, and Boy Scouts from his Troop, he renovated a trail at the Arboretum, which involved adjusting trail size and terrain. The existing wooden stairs, which were rotted, dilapidated and inaccessible required to be dug out and disposed of. They were replaced with new sturdy stairs in order to improve the ease of hiking and trail safety. Ryan also designed, built, and installed benches along the Arboretum trail system. A total of 193 manhours were spent on this project.
Ryan greatly appreciated the assistance of fellow Troop 177 scouts and everyone who helped him in his service project. He also is thankful for the support of the Troop 177 leaders. He is greatly indebted to Mr. Brian Kinney, Saverio Zipeto and local business such as Westfield Lumber & Home Center, Barbera & Barbera, Zappia’s Delicatessen, Village Trattoria, Doria Pizzeria, Joe’s Pizzeria, Vittoria Ristorante, and IRIS, LLC.
Ryan’s Eagle Court of Honor will be conducted in the summer, where he will be further recognized by Troop 177, his family and friends for achieving this special status in scouting. Ryan is currently a freshman at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, majoring in Chemical Engineering.

(above, r-l) Mayor Paul Mirabelli handing a copy of the
proclamation to Ryan Bonk commemorating his rank as Eagle Scout at Mountainside Borough Hall.