Relay for Life Kick Off

Submitted by Marlene Sincaglia

The American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of Berkeley Heights, Mountainside, New Providence and Summit will be holding its 2019 Kick-Off meeting on Thursday, March 14, 2019 at the New Providence High School Cafeteria. The program will run from 7 – 8:30 p.m. The theme this year is Through the Years. Learn more about Relay, how to form a team, fundraising ideas, etc., so you can become a part of this community based event. Come talk to people who have participated and can answer your questions. We are taking back the track.

Relay for Life 2019 will be held at Governor Livingston High School on June 15, 2019. Relay for Life has three prongs: Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back. Everyone has been touched by Cancer, whether it is you, a family member, a friend or a neighbor who heard the words “you have cancer.” At Relay we celebrate the survivors and those who are starting the journey. We remember those we lost to cancer and fight back to help prevent Cancer. While doing those things, Relay also raises money for the American Cancer Society (ACS).

The American Cancer Society (ACS) gives money for research grants to find a cure for all cancers. ACS provides, through its 24-hour helpline at 1-800-277-2345 or via live chat at, free information, support and access to resources. They also sponsor workshops for patients so that they can feel more empowered and confident and sponsor Hope Lodge, which provides lodging for a patient and their family when they have to travel for treatment. ACS helps provide rides to and from treatment and trains navigators in hospitals and institutes that help patients by guiding them through cancer treatments. Seventy-five percent of all money collected goes to mission related items, including cancer research, patient support, prevention information,education, detection and treatment. Twenty five percent goes toward management and general and fundraising expenses.

Relay 2019 is looking for teams of people who will work together to solicit money for ACS and then walk the track on June 15 to demonstrate that Cancer does not sleep and neither do we. It is not too early to start the process. Go to and sign up.

Relay 2019 is also looking for people to help plan the activities at the event. Become part of the Event Leadership Team. If you are interested, contact Margaret Illis at

(above) Team ‘Soerl Brainstomers’ from New Providence was one of 53 teams that participated in Relay for Life 2018. Teams for Relay for Life 2019 are forming now.