Read Like A Teen

By: Mary Ann McGann

As we celebrate Read Across America Day, it seems appropriate to mention a unique book club that meets once a month at Warren Middle School. Members of the “Read Like a Teen” Book Club do just that… selecting a new teen or young adult book each month to read, review and share with their students and fellow staff. Book club members might choose, for example, between a graphic novel or a popular nonfiction title, a fast read or one that doesn’t often get checked out, a tear jerker or a work of science fiction.
“We want our kids to see that all of us are readers. It’s not just language arts teachers or me,” says library media specialist Cynthia Cassidy, who started “Read Like a Teen” last fall. The group of 20+ middle school staffers, including Principal Bob Comba and Dean of Students Max Achtau, meets before school to discuss the books and whether they are appropriate for middle school readers. In addition, “Read Like a Teen” members write short reviews on a collaborative website called that is as informative as it is visually appealing.
“I loved watching the Padlet grow,” Cassidy says. “It’s chockful of beautiful pictures and thoughtful reviews. If this doesn’t encourage someone to read, I don’t know what will.” Cassidy shares the site with middle school students and their parents.
“Dear Ms. Cassidy,” an enthusiastic parent wrote recently. “WOW!! I can’t say enough about how awesome the “Read Like a Teen” reviews are. Thank you and all of the WMS staff who are taking their time to create this wonderful site. For my son, knowing one of his teachers has reviewed a book and enjoyed it will give him just enough incentive to read it!”

(above) Teacher standing/addressing the room is Warren Middle School Library Media Specialist Cynthia Cassidy. Photo Credit: Mary Ann

(above) Teacher standing/addressing the room is Warren Middle School Library Media Specialist Cynthia Cassidy.Photo Credit: Mary Ann