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Rake & Hoe Garden Club
As part of its commitment to community service, the Rake and Hoe Garden Club of Westfield visited Jardine Academy on April 11, and decorated the Spring Tree with one hundred paper rainbow spotted leopards designed by Mary Lou Nolas and made by fellow club members.
The ornaments represent Spot, the main character in the “Put Me in the Zoo” book by Robert Lopshire. Spot is a leopard that can change his spots. Spot longs to be put in the zoo, but they will not take him. He shows a little boy and girl all the wonderful things he can do, and they find the right home for him.
The Spring Tree stands in the school lobby for all to see. A copy of the book was donated to the school’s library, and each student will be given an ornament to take home.
The Rake and Hoe Garden Club meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 12:00 p.m. at the Scotch Hills Country Club. Each meeting includes a guest speaker to educate members in the art and science of gardening, horticulture, floral design, and nature photography. New members are welcome.
On May 8, guest speaker Deb Ellis will present “Think Like a Caterpillar Bloom Like a Butterfly”. She will discuss the life cycle of butterflies and months and what we as gardeners can do to support them at various stages of their lives throughout the gardening season. If you are interested in attending this talk or learning more about the club, contact Cathy Becker, cathymbecker@gmail.com, or visit the club’s website, rakeandhoegc.org or Facebook page.