Rain Garden Installed at Tamaques Park

(above) A rain garden was installed between Fields 3 and 4 at Tamaques Park to reduce runoff.

Rain Garden at Tamaques Park

Town of Westfield

Have you seen the rain garden in Tamaques Park? Also known as a bioretention system, this landscaped shallow depression captures, filters, and mitigates stormwater runoff from the restroom building roof and parking lot perimeter while creating an attractive landscape between Fields 3 and 4. A rain garden is actually one of the quickest and easiest methods to reduce runoff and help protect our water resources, and we’ll soon have signage installed as part of the educational component of this project to inform residents about its benefits and how to build one on their own property. This project was initiated by the Green Team and installed by the DPW with in-kind technical and design assistance from the Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program.