Police Partner With Fountain Baptist Church to Help Build Strong Relationships With Youth

The Summit Police Department is continuing its community outreach initiatives through a recent program held in partnership with Fountain Baptist Church designed to foster increased understanding and positive relationships between police and the community.
On Saturday, May 14th, Police Chief Robert Weck worked with the congregation at Fountain Baptist Church to facilitate a group dialogue on police interactions with African American youth. During the discussion, hosted by the Fountain Baptist’s Boy’s Right of Passage Ministry led by Minister Rodney Williams with the assistance of Rev. Vernon Williams, Chief Weck spoke to the young men about the importance of communication and mutual respect while interacting with law enforcement to ensure positive and constructive encounters.
In addition to the discussion, Chief Weck and Officer Matt Tarentino from the Department’s Community Policing Unit also demonstrated simulated motor vehicle stops. These simulated traffic stops helped to highlight what citizens should expect while being stopped by law enforcement, and to demonstrate the high level of professional training standards expected from the Summit Police Department’s officers.
“The Summit Police Department is dedicated to working with the members of the community and their leaders to create dynamic partnerships that help make our City a safe and enjoyable place to live, work, and play,” said Chief Weck. “I am proud of our partnership with Fountain Baptist Church and grateful to Minister Williams for the opportunity to build relationships with the young members of their congregation, while also showcasing the professional standards of our Department and our officers.”
At the close of the presentation, Chief Weck fielded questions from the attendees and held a panel discussion which addressed the continuing initiatives being undertaken by Summit PD and the law enforcement community to promote mutual understanding and cooperation between law enforcement and the public.