Patriot Day at ALT School
Warren Township Public Schools
On Friday, September 9, 2022, students and staff from Angelo L. Tomaso (ALT) School were encouraged to dress in red, white, and blue in observance of Patriot Day, the national day of service and remembrance of September 11.
During the student-led morning news show, students and staff were treated to a live performance of the Star-Spangled Banner by the school’s music teacher, Ms. Alice Beals. Principal Christine Smith joined the morning show to explain the importance of Patriot Day.
ALT Prides itself on developing empathy, generosity, and gratitude among students, stated Smith. “Patriot Day is the perfect learning opportunity for our students to show their appreciation for those who serve our community each day.”
ALT students and staff would like to thank special guests, Detective Joseph Casorio from the Warren Township Police Department (WTPD), Officer Victoria Ciampa from the WTPD, Dante Verdun from the Washington Valley Volunteer Fire Company, and Daniel Lorimor, retired Police Office and current Security Compliance Manager for visiting ALT.
Casorio, Ciampa, Verdun, and Lorimor dedicated their morning to introducing themselves to the ALT students and describing their role as First Responders. The district would like to express gratitude for all essential emergency workers and the impact they have on their communities.
Photos by Warren Township Public Schools