In Recognition of a lifetime of making a difference with a big heart and a big smile
Fifteen individuals and seven organizations recently received the Union County Human Relations Commission’s prestigious Unity Award for Achievement, an honor given to role models who dedicate their time and efforts to activities and programs that raise and honor the human spirit.
The awards were handed out during a special presentation held at the Kean University’s STEM Building in Union Township on Monday, May 7, 2018. The 2018 awards marked the 17th year in which the Commission has named honorees.
Pat DiFabio, a Garwood resident, has always been committed to his hometown. All of his life, between his full-time job as a shop foreman, his part-time job as a band leader and drummer, and his commitment to raising his family, he has volunteered his time and talents for the betterment of his community.
Pat’s passion for volunteering began at an early age. Born in 1928 to Italian immigrants, he realized the impact of volunteering when his family needed help in the 1930’s. This virtue prompted him to reciprocate. At the age of 21 he joined the Garwood Rescue and the Garwood Volunteer Fire Departments, and has supported them for the past 58 years. Through the years he served as a firefighter and Relief Fund Treasurer. Today, 68 years later, he still actively serves with the Fire Department, currently with the Fire Police.
He also volunteers as president of the Garwood Senior Citizens, as Vice President of the Garwood Historical Society, and served for 16 years as a member of the Runnelis Specialized Hospital’s Volunteer Guild, including as a past president. He has served as a member of the town’s First Aid Squad and Lions Club, founded the Babe Ruth League, and served as its Little League Coach, Recreation Director, and boxing coach (having been a Golden Gloves Champ in his hayday).
He has also donated his musical talents to raise funds for local causes including St. Anne’s Church and the D.A.R.E. program, and as producer/director of local variety shows.
In 2002, Pat received a Citation from the Retired Senior Citizens Volunteer Program (RSVP) for Donating his time and talents to making a difference in the lives of others, and in 2009, the Governor’s ‘Jefferson Award’ for recognition of his career volunteerism.
Pat has shared that no matter your age or employment status, volunteering helps the body, mind, and soul of both the volunteer and the recipient, and, by impacting the lives on touches daily, helps our country.
Pat was honored for not only his decades of community service, but also for his ever-ready smile, happy heart, enthusiastic commitment, and contagious spirit of volunteering that spreads to other volunteer recruits, and for all the joy he has brought to those he has assisted.

(above) Pat DiFabio Receives Unity Award for Special Achievement