(above) Dr. Jeff Ebert was celebrated for his 20 years with New Providence Presbyterian Church.
New Providence Presbyterian Church Celebrates Pastor Jeff Ebert’s 20th Anniversary
New Providence Presbyterian Church (NPPC) proudly announces the 20th anniversary of its Senior Pastor, Dr. Jeff Ebert. A celebration to commemorate the event was held at NPPC on Sunday, April 7, 2019.
Dr. Ebert began his career at NPPC on Easter Sunday in 1999. Throughout his tenure at NPPC, Dr. Ebert has overseen many changes in our church history. These milestones include a major capital campaign, an increase in our worship services from two Sunday services to five Sunday services (that include both traditional and contemporary music worship styles), and a denominational move to ECO (A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians). He received his doctorate degree in Theology and Evangelism from Columbia Theological Seminary. Dr. Ebert is also a volunteer chaplain with the Plainfield Police Department. An article written by Dr. Ebert on “Racial Reconciliation in the United States” was featured last summer in Newsweek magazine.
We welcome you to join us at any one of our five Sunday worship services. For more information about NPPC, please visit thecornernj.com.
Submitted by Dawn Goldbach