Notes From 11/16 Town Council Meeting

Fanwood Council honored Joe Nagy as the borough’s volunteer-of-the-month and Councilman Dan Levine bid farewell at the group’s meeting Monday night at Borough Hall.
Nagy, a Fanwood resident for more than 50 years, has served in a wide variety of volunteer positions, including helping to start TV35 and the Fanwoodian and being Fanwood’s historian.
Many a local school student has heard about Fanwood’s history during tours Nagy conducts of the museum in the historic north side train station. Mayor Colleen Mahr presented Nagy with a framed print of the train station where he  has spent so many hours volunteering.
In a heartwarming thank you to the council, Nagy related that he had been honored to give back to the borough that had given his family a great place to live.
Council also bid farewell to Levine, who leaves the group at the end of the year. Levine has been the chairman of the Administration and Finance committee and has been an integral part of the borough’s budgeting process. Mahr and each member of the council individually thanked Levine for his service.
Photos by Brian Horton

(above) Volunteer-of-the-month Joe Nagy, left, thanks the Fanwood Council after he was honored as the borough’s volunteer-of-the-month at the council meeting. Mayor Colleen Mahr, right, holds the framed print of the borough’s historic north side train station, which was presented to Nagy.

(above) Volunteer-of-the-month Joe Nagy, left, thanks the Fanwood Council after he was honored as the borough’s volunteer-of-the-month at the council meeting. Mayor Colleen Mahr, right, holds the framed print of the borough’s historic north side train station, which was presented to Nagy.

(above) Councilman Dan Levine smiles as other Council members thank him for his service to the borough at his last regular meeting.

(above) Councilman Dan Levine smiles as other Council members thank him for his service to the borough at his last regular meeting.