North Plainfield Business Association

The November meeting for the North Plainfield Business Association (NPBA) was held on Tuesday, November 29th at the Valley National Bank Branch at 1334 Route 22 East in town. Cindy Boyd of Valley National Bank sponsored the meeting. The guest speakers were Elizbete Pata and Carolann DeMatos, from the Somerset County Library. They gave a presentation on “Reference USA” and other free business resources. There will be no meeting in December. The next NPBA meeting will be held on the last Tuesday of January (31st) at 7:00 pm, the location is to be determined.
The NPBA membership remains free. There are elevated membership levels, which range in price from $100 – $300, which includes benefits and sponsorship opportunities.
Anyone interested in the NPBA can reach out to: Pete Eddy 908-256-1273, Danny Dominguez 908-447-2468, or Bruce Heyman 908-755-4700. You can also find the North Plainfield Business Association on Facebook at:

(above l-r) Carolann DeMatos, Director of Marketing & Public Relations, and Elizabete Pata Head of Adult Services for the North Plainfield Branch Memorial Library were guest speakers at the November NPBA meeting.