Submitted by Garwood Mayor Sara Todisco
Do you know of someone in our Garwood community that you believe should be recognized for their efforts to help others in the community at large? How about a volunteer, or a generous local business owner, or even your neighbor who goes above and beyond? I am sure you do! There are so many wonderful people in our community that make Garwood the “Small town with a big heart,” we all know and love.
As Mayor, I am proud to announce a new “Community Spirit Award” program to honor these individuals or specific groups of people who make Garwood the great place it is to live, work, and enjoy. I will be presenting these awards on a quarterly basis with the first to be presented at a March meeting of the Mayor and Council. To nominate someone you know, please complete the short form located on, which can be found on the homepage or under the “Useful Links” tab on the left side of the website. Also, paper copies can be found in the hallway display at Borough Hall and completed and returned to the Clerk’s Office.