(above) Traffic Officer and PBA #132 Vice President, Joseph DiParisi, wearing pink cancer awareness undershirt.
Cancer Awareness
The Police Officers of New Providence PBA Local #132 will be wearing pink undershirts during the month of October to promote breast cancer awareness. They are doing this in the hopes of promoting conversation amongst the people they interact with about a disease that affects so many of our friends, neighbors and family. If you are able to do so, the PBA recommends you help a cancer charity of your choice and maybe together we can help those people who need it most.
Second Annual Car Show
On October 7th
PBA 132 will also be hosting several events. New Providence PBA Local # 132 will be hosting their second annual Car Show on Saturday October 7th from 10am-3pm. The car show will be held in the NJ Sharing Network parking lot located at 691 Central Avenue. The show is sponsored by Culver Chiropractic and proceeds will be donated to the NJ Sharing Network. There will be food trucks, music and trophies. Registration the day of the show is $20 and pre-registration is $15. Contact Andrew Diamond at adiamond@nppolice.org or Steve Drown at sdrown@nppolice.org to pre-register. The rain date is Sunday October 8th.
Great Pumpkin Carving Contest
On October 21st
PBA Local #132, along with the Lions Club and Municipal Alliance, will be hosting the great pumpkin carving contest on October 21st at 6pm at Centennial Park. Carved pumpkins can be dropped off between 3 and 5 p.m. to Centennial Park. The pumpkins will be placed on stands around Centennial Park for all to enjoy along with seasonal snacks and treats being provided. A Halloween themed movie will be played under the gazebo, weather permitting. Prizes for the winning pumpkins will be provided by the Municipal Alliance, Lions Club, and PBA 132.
Trunk or Treat
On October 29th from 3-5 p.m.
(setup for cars will start at 2 p.m.) PBA Local # 132 will be hosting a trunk or treat event at the NJ Sharing Network, located at 691 Central Avenue. Feel free to sign up and try to win a prize for best Halloween themed trunk, at the Sharing Network rear parking lot, located at 691 Central Avenue. There will be a costume parade and contest at 3 p.m. Trunk-or-Treating is right after parade. There will also be games and prizes. Contact Detective Michael Hand for more information on any event at mhand@nppolice.org or 908-665-1120.