New Providence Police Department
P.A.C.T. Day: April 22nd from 10 a.m. 2 p.m. at the Municipal Building. We will be providing a number of services for resident’s including: Operation Take Back (receiving any unused or expired medications), Blue Angel/Blue Guardian Program signup, Providing Safe Place Initiative information, Handing out Gun Locks, and Giving Fraud Protection Information. There will also be a Bike Auction at 11.m.
Fishing Derby: Save the date – May 6th from 8 – 11 a.m. at Oakwood Park. Bring your rod, reel & bait and catch a trout in the pond at Oakwood Park. Prizes will be awarded to whomever
Recent Scams and Crime Trends: Car Burglaries: Surrounding towns are dealing with stolen cars and thefts from inside vehicles. As always, be diligent about locking your vehicles and bringing your keys & valuables inside with you. Keep exterior house doors locked when you are away from your home or sleeping.
Online Frauds: The best defense against online fraud is not to open any suspicious emails or text messages. Some of these scams can be disguised as “normal” phone numbers or email addresses. Always call a reliable customer service number, when suspicious, to confirm any legitimacy. In addition, create strong passwords and utilize fraud protection services (research trustworthy companies).
Telephone Scams: Very similar to the online frauds, phone calls are being made pretending to be Utility Services, Credit Card Companies, or Chain Stores. They have mention suspicious orders placed, suspicious charges on your account, or unpaid bills. Hang up and call these institutions yourself (using a reliable customer service number).
Our citizens can help assist with some of these crimes! Be aware of your surroundings and, when possible, look out of your windows or doors periodically. If you see someone committing a crime, hear suspicious sounds late at night, or your dog is barking at an odd hour, call the Police Department IMMEDIATELY. We are happy to investigate the matter further, it is why we are here! We would rather investigate and find out that it was nothing instead of taking a report after an incident has already happened. Police matters are normally time sensitive, so calling hours or days after the incident can hinder our investigation.