New Providence Memorial Library September 2023
September 5-19 Teen Volunteer Training Sign-ups (7th-12th graders)
Are you interested in earning volunteer hours working at the New Providence Library? If so, email NPMLTeens@gmail.com BY SEPT 19. Include your name, grade, email address, what volunteer opportunities you are interested in, and which training session you can attend. Training dates are 9/21 & 9/28 4:30-6PM and 9/25 & 10/2 5:30-7PM. These training dates are for all volunteers who wish to work Sept – Feb. Next training dates will be in Feb 2024. Check our Teen Volunteer page for more details .newprovidencelibrary.org/services/teen-services/volunteering
September 5 @ 10:30 AM – 12 PM – Books & Bagels (Adults)
Finally, a book group with no assigned reading! Join us for a free bagel from NP Bagel Cafe & tell us about what you’ve been reading and which books you’ve enjoyed recently. This program was made possible by NP Bagel Cafe and the Friends of the NPML. To sign up for email reminders, call the library or email RSVP@newprovidencelibrary.org.
September 7,14,21,28 @ 10:30 AM – Creative Writing Group (Adults)
Phyllis Kalb will provide writing prompts and encouragement every other Thursday at 10:30 AM. Please bring pen and paper. To register, email RSVP@newprovidencelibrary.org.
September 7 @ 7 PM – “Life, Love, Family and Food” with Author Lidia Bastianich (Virtual)
You’re invited to an evening online with award-winning television host and bestselling author Lidia Bastianich as she talks about her memoir My American Dream: A Life of Love, Family, and Food. Lidia grew up surrounded by love and security, learning the art of Italian cooking from her beloved grandmother. But when a communist regime annexed Istria, Lidia’s family fled to Trieste, where they spent two years in a refugee camp waiting for visas to enter the United States. When she finally arrived in New York, Lidia soon began working in restaurants, the first step to becoming one of the most revered chefs and businesswomen in the country. “My American Dream” is the story of Lidia’s close-knit family and her dedication and endless passion for food. This program was made possible in part through a grant from New Providence Our Community For All. Register online at libraryc.org/newprovidencelibrary.
September 7 @ 7 PM – “Memoir of a White House Dog” with Author Barbara Guerriero-Flites (Adults, Teens)
Barbara Guerriero-Flites will present information she discovered about Franklin Delanor Roosevelt’s dog Fala in the course of her research for her book, “The Memoir of a White House Dog,” an account of Fala’s experiences during World War II. Fala was President Franklin Roosevelt’s constant companion during the war. A great history lesson appropriate for middle schoolers through adults. Barbara Guerriero-Flites is a former teacher at the ECLC in New Providence.
September 7 @ 7:30-9:30 – Board Games at the Brewery (Adults)
Buy yourself a beer and play a board game in the back room at Untied Brewing! Mark and Elizabeth will introduce you to board games that go beyond the usual suspects you grew up playing. We’ll play easy, quick to learn games like Otrio, Ticket to Ride, Catan, Sushi Go, Mysterium, and King of Tokyo. A great way to meet other adults interested in board games. Ages 21+. Untied Brewing is located at 140 Spring Street in New Providence. Email RSVP@newprovidencelibrary.org to register.
September 9, 23 @ 10 AM – 4 PM CRAFTERDAY (Children)
Come by the Coddington Room and use the materials and instructions that have been left out on the tables. Take home what you create. While supplies last! This program is made possible by the Friends of the New Providence Memorial Library.
September 9 @ 2 PM – 3 PM Eyes of the Wild (Kids and Families)
A beloved family program returns to the library! Eyes of the Wild will entertain and educate all ages with live exotic animals. To register, email NPMLchildrens@gmail.com.
September 11 @ 6:30 PM – 9 PM – Batter Up – Let’s Talk Baseball (All Ages)
Baseball enthusiasts are invited to discuss teams, players and issues of the sport with other baseball fans. Now in its ninth year, this group of mostly seniors welcomes all ages to join the discussion. Email the library at rsvp@newprovidencelibrary.org to register.
September 12 @ 1 PM – Movie Matinee: “80 for Brady” (Adults)
“80 for Brady”, a PG-13 comedy, will be screened in the Conti Room. After decades of dreaming, a quartet of older women, who are dedicated football fans, finally decides to make a pilgrimage to the Super Bowl for the once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet their favorite player, noteworthy NFL mainstay Tom Brady. Along the way, a series of hijinks ensue. Movie screenings are made possible by the Friends of the New Providence Memorial Library.
September 12 @ 5 PM- 6 PM Teens Teaching: An Introduction to Topology (Children & Teens)
Come check out our newest series! Each month a High School junior or senior will lead a session to teach younger students about niche topics that may not be covered in school. September’s topic is topology, the study of space and shapes. A great opportunity for younger students to learn from high school upperclassmen in a fun setting. For students in grades 3-8. To register, email NPMLTeens@gmail.com
September 12 @ 7 PM – The SAT & ACT are Going Digital (Teens)
Learn what you need to know about the new age of digital testing and how students can better prepare for standardized testing success. Collegewise, a national college admissions organization will conduct this webinar. Email NPMLTeens@gmail.com to register.
September 13 @ 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Snap Circuit Jr. Club (Kids)
The Snap Circuit Jr. Club is back for children 1st grade and up. Learn about electronics, science, technology and engineering with mini experiments. The club will meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
September 14 @ 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM – Book Group “The Song of Achilles” (Adults)
The book group will discuss “The Song of Achilles” by Madeline Miller. Patroclus, an awkward young prince, follows Achilles into the Trojan War, little knowing that the years that follow will test everything they have learned, everything they hold dear. And that, before he is ready, he will be forced to surrender his friend to the hands of Fate. Copies available to check out at the front desk one month before the discussion.
September 19 @ 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM – Book Group: “The Promise” by Damon Galcot (Adults)
The book group will discuss “The Promise” by Damon Galcot. Haunted by an unmet promise, the Swart family loses touch after the death of their matriarch. The lives of the three siblings drift separately in this epic drama that unfurls against the unrelenting march of South Africa’s national history. Copies available to check out one month prior to the discussion.
September 20 at 10:30 AM – Good Tyme String Band (Kids & All Ages)
Join this string band for some toe tapping fun. All music lovers welcomed!
September 21 @ 7 PM – 8:30 PM – Knit/Crochet Night (Adults & Teens)
Drop by the Conti Room with a crochet, knitting or any type of needlework project, and chat with this friendly group as you work. No registration required. To sign up for an email reminders for the group, email RSVP@newprovidencelibrary.org.
September 23 @ 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Yoga & Mindfulness Class (Adults & Teens)
Kim Pallant will teach a yoga & mindfulness class for all levels to complete her yoga teacher training. Beginners are welcome. Please bring a mat and any other props you need to be comfortable to the Conti Room. Email RSVP@newprovidencelibrary.org to register for this free class.
September 23 @ 2 PM -3 PM – Bilingual Parent Workshop (Adults)
The Diversity Committee of New Providence will host a workshop for parents whose native language is not English on how to navigate the school system in New Providence. This event is part of the library’s celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. No registration required.
September 26 @ 1 PM – Cookbook Club (Adults)
Bring a cookbook or a recipe that you like to share with the group, or even cook and bring the dish itself if you’re feeling inspired. The library provides plates, utensils, napkins and a microwave to reheat dishes. This month’s themes are apple recipes and cheese recipes. To join, stop by the reference desk or email RSVP@newprovidencelibrary.org.
September 26 @ 6:35 PM – 8:05 PM – Read to a Dog (1st – 4th Graders)
Are you a new or developing reader? Practice your skills by reading to a therapy dog. To register your 15 minute slot, please email NPMLChildrens@gmail.com.
September 26 @ 7 PM – Home Selling, Prep & Staging Workshop (Adults)
Sue Adler Realtors will demystify the home selling process in this workshop. Unlock industry tips on decluttering, painting, staging, and pre-inspections. Gain clarity on how to attract the right buyers through strategic marketing. Discover the secrets of pricing and timing the sale of your home to maximize profit and minimize stress. Learn valuable insights into the current local market and how to leverage this information to stand out from the competition. To register, go to sueadler.com/hsw
September 27 @ 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Lego Club (Kids)
Lego Club is back and will meet usually on the 4th Wednesday of each month! Build a creation to fit the monthly theme or just make your own creation. Themed creations will be on display in the children’s room until the following month.
September 27 @ 8 PM – “On Writing Three International Bestsellers” with Author Amor Towles (Virtual)
Please tune in as we chat online with New York Times bestselling author Amor Towles about his incredible body of work: “Lincoln Highway”, “A Gentleman in Moscow,” and “Rules of Civility,” of which more than 6 million copies have been sold worldwide. This program was made possible in part through a grant from New Providence Our Community For All. Register online at https://libraryc.org/newprovidencelibrary.
September 28 @ 3:00 PM – Sign up for October Teen Take Out Boxes (Teen)
Teen Take Out is a monthly box of fun for NP teens in grades 6-12 with a current NPML library card. Each month, we put together a box for you including fun treats like snacks, crafts, bookmarks, buttons, stickers, and more. Plus, we select a YA Fiction book for you based on your answers to our questionnaire! Use our Google form to sign up for the October box which will be ready for pick up on October 26. https://forms.gle/zv8cxtbRZCysPSXF7
September 28 @ 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Knitting Workshop (3th grade – teen)
Learn to knit from seasoned knitters. Bring your own needles and yarn. Space is limited and registration is required. Email: NPMLChildrens@gmail.com
September 28 @ 7 PM – 8:30 PM – Medicare Basics: the A, B, D’s of Medicare (Adults)
This program, explained in easy-to-understand terms, is intended for those approaching Medicare eligibility within the next 5–10 years. Neil Berger has more than 35 years in the Human Resources profession, including benefits, compensation administration and training as head of Human Resources departments in a variety of industries. He developed this program after realizing many employees had incorrect or out-dated information regarding their government-provided benefits. To register, email RSVP@newprovidencelibrary.org. This program was made possible by the Friends of the New Providence Memorial Library.
September 29 @ 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM Spanish Storytime (toddlers – preschoolers)
The Hudson Way Immersion School presents a special interactive storytime with songs and crafts in Spanish and English to celebrate Spanish Heritage Month. Coddington Room. Email: NPMLChildrens@gmail.com
September 8, 15, 22, 29 @ 3:45-4:45PM – Math Club (Kids & Teens)
Join the NP Math Club and hone your problem-solving skills while meeting with other math enthusiasts. Meetings are held every Friday at the NP Library from 3:45-4:45PM. Run by NP Teens, open to students in 2-12th grades. Email NPMLTeens@gmail.com to register.
September 9, 16, 23, 30 @ 3 PM – 4:30 PM – SAT Math Help Club (Teens)
Tutoring sessions for students who are looking for help with the math portion of the SAT. High School students are invited to come discuss the sections they need help with. Run by a NP Teen. Email NPMLTeens@gmail.com.
September 11, 18, 25 @ 4:30-7:30PM – NP Chess Club (Kids, Teens & Adults)
Learn to play chess from the NP Chess Club! Instructional Lectures & Strategy from 4:30-5:30 in the Conti Room, followed by play from 5:30-7:30. Open to kids, teens, and adults. Children 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Registers at least 1 day in advance at npchessclub.org
Storytime and Play at the Library in the Coddington Room:
Tuesday Signs, Songs & Stories with Miss Cathy @ 10:30 AM (preschool – K)
Featuring stories, interactive rhymes and movement with sign language!
Tuesday Open Play @ 11:15 AM – 8:15 PM (closed from 4-5 pm)
Anytime Stories with Miss Debbie @ 7:00 PM (all ages)
Tune in anytime to watch and hear stories from the Library’s YouTube channel. New stories posted every Tuesday @ youtube.com/c/newprovlibrary. Questions? Email NPMLChildrens@gmail.com
Wednesday Mother Goose Group with Miss Debbie @ 10:30 AM (babies-preschool)
An active storytime with songs, fingerplays, dancing and fun for babies to preschool– But older kids are always welcome!
Wednesday Open Play @ 11:15 AM -1 PM
Thursday Storytime with Miss Anita @ 10:30 AM (0 – 3 yr olds) OUTSIDE on Front Lawn
Bring your babies and toddlers for stories, rhymes and socialization.
Friday Open Play @ 11:15 AM – 4:15 PM