New Providence Library May 2022
Teen Series: Training for the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE
(you know, real life skills)
Each program will teach real life skills with a fun zombie twist. These programs will run April through November. Intended for teens, but adults may attend if there is room
Self Defense for the Zombie Apocalypse
May 15
Learn techniques to protect yourself
Doomsday Composting & Worm Farming
May 21
Cultivate your soil to get your veggies to grow!
Car Care & Maintenance
June 11
Keep your vehicle in great condition to outrun the zombies!
History of Zombies in Film & Video Games
Sept 10
Glimpse the new “Don’t Get Bit” Video Game by NJ Film School
First-Aid for the Zombie Apocalypse
Oct 11
Learn First-Aid techniques to keep your loved-ones safe
MRE Tasting & Zombie Party
Nov 21
Vote on your favorite MRE meals & celebrate finishing your Zombie Training!
Knit/Crochet Night (Adults)
May 2 @ 7 PM – 8:30 PM
Drop by the Conti Room with a crochet or knitting project, and chat with the group while you work. To sign up for email reminders, call the library or email rsvp@newprovidencelibrary.org.
Fred Rossi, Author of “Jersey Stories” (Adults)
May 3 @ 7 PM – 8 PM
Fred Rossi, author of “Jersey Stories: Stories You May Not Have Heard About People and Events in New Jersey History” will speak at the library with a book signing to follow. For those interested in purchasing a signed copy of “Jersey Stories” after the lecture, one copy is $20. To register, please email rsvp@newprovidencelibrary.org.
Pick Up May Teen Take Out boxes (Teens)
May 9 @ 3:00 PM
If you signed up and received confirmation for the May box, check your email to see when yours is ready to be picked up in the library. Keep the goodies, just return the library book when you finish!
Batter Up – Let’s Talk Baseball (All Ages)
May 9 @ 7 PM- 9 PM
You’re invited to discuss teams, players and issues of the sport with other baseball fans. Now in its eighth year, this group of mostly seniors welcomes all ages of baseball fans. The group even has some out of state members. To join the baseball group, email the library at rsvp@newprovidencelibrary.org.
Movie & Discussion (Adults)
May 10 @ 1 PM – 3 PM
The comedy drama “Go Back to China” will be screened in the Conti room. Everyone is welcome to join an informal discussion of the movie afterward, moderated by library staff.
Book Group (Adults)
May 12 @ 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
The book group will discuss “The Guest List” by Lucy Foley, a stylish, atmospheric mystery that evokes Agatha Christie and raises questions about identity, integrity and truth.Copies of the book will be available to check out at the front desk one month before the discussion. To join the book group, email rsvp@newprovidencelibrary.org.
Self Defense for the Zombie Apocalypse (Teens)
May 15 @ 2:00 PM
Come to the library to learn some self defense moves that will help you both in real life and during the Zombie Apocalypse. Mario Sequiera from South Mountain Martial Arts will teach some basics in judo and jiu-jitsu, boxing, kickboxing, and kendo. Email NPMLTeens@gmail.com to register.
Book Group (Adults)
May 17 @ 10:30 AM-11:30 AM
The book group will discuss “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger. In this classic novel, Holden Caulfield, knowing he is to be expelled from school, decides to leave early and spends three days in New York City. Copies will be available to check out at the front desk one month before the discussion. To join the book group, email rsvp@newprovidencelibrary.org.
Character Counts!
May 18 @ 8:00 PM
Why Courage, Creativity, & Collaboration Matter in College Admissions (HS Students & Parents) Learn how Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) distinguishes itself from academic factors and why even the most selective of colleges place an immense value on empathy, ethical behavior, and engagement with others. Email NPMLTeens@gmail.com to register.
Meredith Rusu Disney & Pixar Author Reading (Kids & Families)
May 19 @ 3:30-4:00PM
Come to the Conti room for a live author reading! Local author, Meredith Rusu will read her newest book, “Sox on a Mission,” based on the Disney*Pixar movie, “Lightyear.”
Knit/Crochet Night (Adults)
May 19 @ 7 PM – 8:30 PM
Drop by the Conti Room with a crochet or knitting project, and chat with the group while you work. To sign up for email reminders, call the library or email rsvp@newprovidencelibrary.org.
Doomsday Composting & Worm Farming
May 21 @ 11:00AM-12:00PM
Learn how to cultivate worm-rich soil for the best plant growth. This month’s Zombie Survival program will teach how to enhance your soil for the benefit of your vegetable gardens now that you’re growing your own food source. Learn what materials to add and how to turn the soil over to encourage worms to bring their benefits to your garden. Email to register: NPMLTeens@gmail.com.
Sound Meditation (Adults)
May 24 @ 7 PM – 8 PM
The Nepali sound healing tradition, played on hand-hammered singing bowls, guides the mind and body to a quiet space so that participants can tap into a place of nourishment, healing and deep listening. Space is limited and registration is required. To register, please email rsvp@newprovidencelibrary.org.
Signup for June Teen Take Out boxes (Teens)
May 31 @ 3:00PM
Teen Take Out is a monthly box of fun for NP teens in grades 6-12 with a current NPML library card. Each month, we put together a box for you including fun treats like snacks, crafts, bookmarks, buttons, stickers and more. June boxes are the LAST TEEN TAKE OUT TILL FALL! https://forms.gle/zv8cxtbRZCysPSXF7
Virtual Storytime Programs
Join us on our YouTube Channel for the following Virtual Storytime Programs:
IN-PERSON Storytime Returns!
Storytimes will be held outside when weather permits. In case of rain, morning outdoor storytime will be inside the library’s large Conti meeting room.
Preschool Storytime with Ms. Cathy – 4, 5, 6 yr olds
@ 10:30 – 11:00 AM
Outdoor Storytime for big kids! Featuring stories, interactive rhymes, and movement! Everything you love about storytime! Join us outside for some fresh air and fun!
Tuesday Evening Virtual Bedtime Stories with Miss Debbie – All Ages
@ 7:00 – 7:30 PM
Get the kids in pjs & tune in to YouTube for some bedtime stories with Miss Debbie! Email NPMLChildrens@gmail.com to receive the link via email.
Baby & Toddler Storytime with Ms. Cathy – 0-3 yr olds
@ 10:30 – 11:00 AM
Outdoor Storytime for little ones! Bring your babies and toddlers for stories, rhymes and socialization. Bring a blanket to sit on outside.