Mrs. Conner’s Fresh Batch of Smart Cookies

Mrs. Nina Conner’s fourth grade students at Frank K. Hehnly Elementary School in Clark began the school year with creating new goals. After brainstorming their full year growth objectives, students were prompted to write how they would achieve this goal at home and at school. Students identified, “becoming a better reader,’’ “a master of multiplication,’’ and “winning the MVP Physical Education Award’’ among their many goals.
The students’ goals are displayed on a bulletin board outside their classroom. Mrs. Conner will refer to the bulletin board in the upcoming months and remind her students, “Perseverance and hard work will be required if they want to achieve their goals. Much harder work than baking a perfect sheet of cookies!”

(above) Mrs. Conner and her fourth grade language arts students posing in front of their “Fresh New Batch of Cookies’’ themed bulletin board.