Mountainside Public Library January 2024
Tammy Shaw, Director
The end of 2023 brought several positive changes to the Mountainside Public Library. After a week of having various parts of the library closed off and wrapped in plastic, the Library unveiled new ceiling tiles that replaced the tiles that were damaged during a rain storm on July 4th weekend. As the first step in joining the MAIN Alliance Consortium, a network of 50 libraries throughout Union, Hunterdon, Morris, Somerset, Warren counties, Mountainside Library has switched its eContent provider and now offers patrons 40,000 eBooks and 28,000 eAudiobooks, an 80% increase over the former provider. The full transition to the MAIN Alliance Consortium is scheduled for May 2024. More information will be available in the coming months. The Library has updated its website and online program and event registration is now available. If preferred, patrons are still welcome to call the library to register for events.
Adult Programs for the New Year include two special events:
Collage Making Workshop with artist, Kat Block on Saturday, January 20 from 10:00am-1:00pm. Participants can come in from the cold and learn the art of collage while creating a warm and inviting one-of-a-kind beach scene. Space is limited, Registration is required.
Chocolate Truffle Making: Join Library Director, Tammy Shaw, and learn to make these simple and elegant treats for yourself or to share with someone special. Space is limited, Registration is required.
Regular adult programming for January includes:
Great Courses continues with The 30 Greatest Orchestral Works on Mondays at 1pm (Jan 8th, 22nd, 29th)
Monday night Book Club: The Kingdoms of Savannah by George Dawes Green will meet on Monday, January 8 at 6:30pm. Books are available at the library for participants.
The Cookbook Club will meet on Thursday, January 11 at 6:30pm. Participants will explore new cookbooks and old favorites. The January meeting will focus on healthy starts for the new year. Come for a taste, stay for the discussion. Registration is recommended.
Friday afternoon movies continue at 1pm. There will be no movie on Friday, January 12th.
In addition to regularly scheduled story times (please check schedule at mountainsidelibrary.org for the January schedule), the Library has several special events for youth, including:
After School Talks About Animals with the Turtleback Zoo-. January 11 (3:30-4:15pm) Ages K-4. Registration is required.
Read to a Therapy Dog on January 18 at 4:00pm. Space is limited. Registration is required.
L’il Al Dinosaur. Be a Paleontologist for the day! Kids will delight in working as a team to put together these dinosaur bones. January 25, 4:00-5:00pm. Ages 3-8. Registration is required.
Move & Groove, Miss Jolie Returns! Preschoolers and their caregivers will rejoice in the music and movement of Miss Jolie. January 30, 10:30-11:15am Registration is required for preschoolers and their caregivers.
The Library will be closed on Monday, January 1st for New Year’s Day and Monday, January 15th for Martin Luther King Day.
Please visit mountainsidelibrary.org for a complete listing of programs and details including registration or call the library at 908-233-0115 for further information or to register.