Mountainside Public Library Summer Programs
The Mountainside Public Library’s The 2024 Summer Reading Program, Adventure Begins at Your Library, runs from June 21 through August 2.
Kick off your summer reading adventure with Ocean Rocks on Saturday, June 22nd from 3-4 p.m. This interactive aquarium program geared toward children ages 5 and older and families, is a perfect summer starter for those curious about ocean life and learning how to save it. Everyone takes home a real fossil or mineral. Especially geared towards kids 5+ and older and families. Other special events include wonderful Miss. Jolie for the younger set and a Science Heroes Adventure of the Lost Treasure full of audience participation and experiments for school age kids.
In addition to the special events, we will have drop in Story Times for all ages and weekly rotating clubs with activities like Origami, Lego/Duplo building, Process Art and more. K-8 Book Clubs will have ten spots for readers.
For adults, the Book Club on the first Monday of each month, Great Courses on Monday afternoons, and Friday afternoon movies will continue. Stay tuned for some special summer events including crafts and concerts.
Summer Reading is open to adults and kids of all ages. The more you read the more chances you have towards our weekly raffles and Grand Prizes. Visit the calendar at mountainsidelibrary.org for program details and dates and call the library to save your spot.
The library will be closed on Wednesday, June 19th.