Submitted by Barbara Bager
Girls Scouts of Heart of New Jersey has awarded Mountainside Girl Scouts Amanda Aponte, Kathryn Bager, Madison Duca and Anna Fiamingo the Girl Scout Silver Award – the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. The award represents a girl’s accomplishments in Girl Scouting and her community as she grows and works to improve her life and the lives of others.
By earning the Girl Scout Silver Award, the girls in troop 40754 have become community leaders. Their accomplishments reflect leadership and citizenship skills that set them apart.
“I was very impressed how dedicated the girls worked. Not only were the scouts committed to learning new skills, especially in woodworking, they also applied their own personal talents toward this project,” said Barbara Bager, leader of Troop 40754.
The scouts’ project focused on making two picnic tables for a Nursery school in Elizabeth, New Jersey. The girls thought a picnic table would be useful to the school, for eating snacks outside and for socializing as well.
In the Seventh grade, the girls went right to work in finding the plans suitable for the toddler sized tables and choosing the correct wood at Home Depot. With their fathers’ guidance, they started measuring, sawing, sanding and painting the tables. By the end of the eighth grade, the girls completed two tables for the Nursery School.
In addition to making the picnic tables, each girl made a project from wood on their own time. The projects included a doll’s cradle, a puppet theater, bookends and a picture mural. The girls then loaded the tables onto a truck and delivered them to the Nursery school. The school administration was very grateful to receive the tables.
“I enjoyed learning how to build a table and I am happy the school would have the table for years to come,” Madison stated.
Girls Scouts offers every girl a chance to do something amazing. To join, volunteer, or donate, reach out to

(above) The girls scouts, pictured here picking out wood for their picnic tables, learned woodworking skills to complete their Silver Award project.

(above) Girl Scout Silver Award recipients Amanda Aponte, Kathryn Bager, Madison Duca and Anna Fiamingo pose with their picnic tables that they created for elementary school children in Elizabeth.

(above) The Girls Scouts delivered the picnic tables, along with a few extra woodworking projects, to the elementary school.