The Mountainside 8U travel team finished first in the Scotch Plains Spring “B” league with an undefeated 8-0 record. Their tremendous season was capped off by winning their championship game versus Bridgewater 14 to 2 on Sunday June 5th. he team kept their composure during the game and were more anxious than nervous. They were confident they could secure a win, but the possibility the game could be rained out worried them. Fortunately the clouds parted and the two teams faced off. The team’s coach reminded them what a remarkable accomplishment this was, but because of lack of experience, the notion never sank in, it was their first year playing “real” organized baseball. At 8 years old the biggest hurdle for the kids was keeping their composure. Their biggest weakness was their lack of baseball knowledge, but they overcame this with amazing talent with their pitching and hitting. This was proven against their toughest opponent, Scotch Plains. They were able to defeat Scotch Plains with superior pitching. Family support played a pivotal role in the team’s success. The group yearned to perform well in front of their parents, siblings, and family members. The team battled all spring and put together a perfect season and now look to continue their run into the summer by playing in the New Providence Gold “A” league.

(above l-r) Bottom Row: Loic Nasreddine, Thomas DiNorscio, Reid Bazydlo, Lance Alexander, Michael Basile, Michael Healy, Liam McLaughlin. Middle Row: Tyler Motz, Ryan D’Orsi, Ryan Hilongos, Michael Klimas, Dominic Labisi, Vinnie Ferraro. Top Row: Coach Jim Alexander, Coach Jeremy Bazydlo, Manager Mike Labisi, Coach Bob Hilongos