By Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta
For the past several years, many involved in Summit’s innovative community have grouped together envisioning a “Creative Summit.” This group welcomes participation from professionals in visuals arts, dance, theatre, music, literary, and healing arts to represent their community.
On February 15, a gathering of inventive Summit residents met for a breakfast discussion at MONDO Summit, located on the third floor of the MONDO building, 426 Springfield Avenue, Summit, New Jersey.
The five leaders of the group are Diane Gallo, Annette Dwyer (owner of MONDO), Susan Haig, Laura Ekstrand, and Ellen de Havilland.
“We have no titles. We’re not our own entity,” said de Havilland, and then explained that MONDO Summit is a group of original and indie artists.
Haid added, “Arts and creativity and sustainability attracts tourists. We want to be cutting edge.”
The goals of Creative Summit include creating a forum for collaboration in the community; to connect creative citizens and artists with business community leaders; to celebrate arts and integrate culture and diversity; and to celebrate Summit as an arts and cultural destination and engage and empower citizens through creative pursuits.
Over 20 artistic enthusiasts participated in the event.
For more information on the MONDO building and MONDO Summit, visit:
Photos by Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta
(above, l-r) Ellen de Havilland, MONDO leader; Marian Glenn, Summit resident and MONDO supporter; Susan Haig, MONDO leader; Annette Dwyer, MONDO leader; and Laura Ekstrand, MONDO leader.
(above) Creative minds sharing their vision.
(above) Leader Diane Gallo.