Mills of the Passaic Zoom Program
The Chatham Historical Society (CHS) and the Chatham Township Historical Society (CTHS) invite the public to a joint program via Zoom, Mills of the Passaic on Sunday, April 18 at 2 p.m.
Secrets of the history of Chatham have recently been revealed along the banks of the Passaic River. Young archaeologists from Drew University have collected fascinating artifacts from the site where George Shepard Page built the Stanley Felt Mill, housing for immigrant workers, and a store stocked with creature comforts from their homelands.
Dr. Maria Masucci, Professor of Anthropology at Drew University, and her students will share their artifact analysis and historical research for their current exhibit “Life Along the River: Revealing the Impact of Industrialization on Chatham Township 1890–1920.”
Susan Allen of CHS will give a brief illustration with early photos, maps, and the history of the mills.
Pat Wells of CTHS will share her collection of oral histories, and personal reflections.
Everyone is welcome to join the event via the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83129233866
If joining by phone: call 646-876-9923, meeting ID 831 2923 3866.