Kenilworthians, it’s about time we had some consistent weather, April and May have been hot and cold, figuratively and literally. Now that the warmer weather is here please be mindful of the heat, stay hydrated when going outside remember sunscreen.I have some exciting news, I know Kenilworth is noted for its restaurants but recently we made another list worth recognizing. LendEDU, Hoboken based company recently ranked Kenilworth as #178 out of 565 municipalities as being the best New Jersey town with the most delis. Go to for the complete list. Some deli’s in town are Michigan Deli, Massimo’s, Sub Where Else, Mike’s Place, Café Liberty and Pat’s Corner Café (by the way Pat’s is now open until 9 pm selling ice cream and milkshakes, just in time for the summer!) Kudos to our deli’s and all the great places in Kenilworth. You can call us lots of things but you can never say you left town hungry!Congratulations to our two new Police recruits joining the ranks, Anthony Tancs and Leo Filipe, they will be graduating Academy on June 7.Last year we had great success with our Walk to Wellness and is participating in the Summer Slim Down Challenge for our employees sponsored by the GSMJIF. Kenilworth is making a commitment to taking care of the people taking care of the Borough every day.This is also a repeat from last month, but one I think is worth writing again. Kenilworth utilizes the Swift 911 system to get information via landline phone or to cell phones if you wish. Sign up is free and is located on our Kenilworth Borough website. Our goal is to get everyone signed up and we will have information and a sign-up center at the Seniors as well as the Library so we can help those who might be confused as how to do it. In times of crisis, the ability to get information quickly and accurately is imperative, this system allows the authorities to reach as many people as possible.
Here are some important events and dates for Kenilworth on the Calendar for the Month of June;
June 7: Battle of Connecticut Farms Remembrance day. Kenilworth’s Proclamation giving our Borough recognition for being a part of the Battle of Connecticut Farms in 1780. While it was not “Kenilworth” at that time, in and around our Borough the Militia was responsible for halting an advance of 5000 Hessians en route to Morristown to attack Washington’s Continental Army.
June 10: Relay for Life Walkathon from 6 pm to 6 am at the High School Field. Please go on for more details.
June 15: Kenilworth Public Library is hosting “Taming of the Shrew” at 7 pm presented by the Hudson Shakespeare Company – admission is free, check in at for more details.
June 18: Happy Fathers Day! Dad’s it’s your turn this month, here’s to all you Dad’s out there.
June 22: Last day of school for the kids! Please be careful driving around town. Congratulations to all the graduates!
As always visit our website at for more details about these events and more.
In closing, please stay safe out there, stay alert. Kenilworth’s strength is our community spirit, we all need each other.
God Bless you all and God Bless America
Mayor Anthony DuLuca
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