Message From The Mayor

January 2017
Happy New Year Kenilworth! May the new year bring you good blessings, good health and good fortune. 2016 was an uncertain year, and I hope my first year as your Mayor brought forth some positive outlook for our Borough. As always, one must take the issues presented bad and good and learn from the experience, so let’s look forward to a great 2017!
I would like to thank all the municipal employees for their professionalism and work ethic in the day to day activities of keeping Kenilworth running smoothly. I would also like to thank the many volunteers who have offered their time to give back to our great community, truly this town could not have its success without all of your efforts. And last but certainly not least to all of Kenilworth, the residents and business owners, a great thank you for all that you do. Even the littlest things mean a lot, effective communication and participation are the life-blood of any town. Keep all the great ideas and positive pride going into this year and beyond. The success of Kenilworth depends on you all.
One of our goals this year is to keep making our Borough website better and better, log on to and check out the links and upcoming events. Suggestions and comments to communicate with the public are always encouraged.
Please make sure to stop by our wonderful businesses and shops and visit often, you’ll be surprised at what you find.
In closing I would like to say 2017 will be full of trials and tribulations, there will be good times and bad times. I am grateful and honored to be your Mayor, and I am proud to live in this town with such great people. This year let’s make a resolution to start off the year with saying “this is going to be our best year yet!!” and why not? Each new dawn is a new beginning, and every moment, every second is a new beginning too, only sometimes we forget that. There are challenging times ahead, but I believe from the bottom of my heart, that with all our strength, resources, capabilities and by working together, using our intelligence, wisdom and experience, we will not just overcome these challenges, but we will thrive and this will be our best year yet!!
God Bless you all and God Bless America
Mayor Anthony DuLuca