Meet Mother Goose – Sunday, Oct. 1st
Did you know that some people believe that Mother Goose was a real woman who lived in Boston during the later half of the 17th century? More likely, the Mother Goose rhymes originated in France. Learn all about the history of Mother Goose and meet our very own Mother Goose as we sing and read some of our favorites. There will be Mother Goose inspired games, a scavenger hunt and more. The fully furnished c1740 farmhouse will be open for viewing and our cooks will be demonstrating 18th century open-hearth cooking using authentic early American techniques and recipes.
Admission is $5 ages 13 and older; $4 ages 3-12 and free age 2 and younger. No reservations are necessary.
The Miller Cory House Museum is located at 614 Mountain Avenue in Westfield, NJ. Call the museum at 908-232-1776 or email millercorymuseum@gmail.com for more information.
Since 1968, the 501(c)(3) non-profit Miller Cory House Museum/Westfield Historical Society has worked to preserve, interpret and encourage interest in history, Westfield, and its residents through educational efforts and community outreach programs. For more information on the Miller Cory House Museum/Westfield Historical Society and their events, westfieldhistoricalsociety.org and , like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram.