McManus Geography Bee

Thursday January 28th, 18 students from grades 6th-8th participated in the school Geography Bee held each year at Linden’s McManus Middle School. Under the direction of Social Studies teacher Anthony Ventura, students prepared by studying review packets that covered all corners of the globe. After dozens of rounds and hundreds of questions, three finalists remained. These three finalists, Alexander Stapkowitz, Thomas Turon and Anna Pieta, all seventh graders, participated in a tie-breaker held on Feb. 3rd to determine a final winner. The topic being state and world capitals, the three finalists battled intensely as they conquered every capital of each North American, South American, European, Asian and African country. In the end,  the small islands that make up Oceania determined the final winner, 7th grader, Anna Pieta.
There was some added incentive this year as both McManus and Soehl Middle Schools are entered in the National Geography Bee competition. The following day, Anna took an online geography test administered through the National Geographic Society to determine if she will be eligible to participate in the state geography bee held in the spring. If she qualifies, she will represent the Linden Public Schools at the state level with a chance to move on to the National Geography Bee held in Washington D.C. Best of luck to Anna and a great job to all the students who participated.

(above) McManus Social Studies teacher Anthony Ventura, top three finalists Alexander Stapkowitz, Thomas Turon and Anna Pieta and Principal Kcyronne Zahir. Mr. Zahir commends these students on their academic achievements.

(above) McManus Social Studies teacher Anthony Ventura, top three finalists Alexander Stapkowitz, Thomas Turon and Anna Pieta and Principal Kcyronne Zahir. Mr. Zahir commends these students on their academic achievements.

(above) Anna McManus Social Studies teacher Anthony Ventura proudly stands next to the winner Anna Pieta.

(above) Anna McManus Social Studies teacher Anthony Ventura proudly stands next to the winner Anna Pieta.

(above) The contestants of the McManus Geography Bee. Congratulations to all of the participants.

(above) The contestants of the McManus Geography Bee. Congratulations to all of the participants.