Mayor Collaborates With “Adopt-a-program To Read”

Mayor Derek Armstead Collaborates With Pgk In Their “Adopt-a-program To Read”

On Monday, February 8, 2016, Mayor Derek Armstead donated children’s Smart-books at the Linden Multi-Purpose Center. The books were presented in support of the “Adopt-A-Program to Read” initiative, which was hosted by Promiseland Global Kids (PGK), who provides quality educational products and entertainment.
“Education is a valuable asset and it is one of our key initiatives in Linden. A young mind can never absorb enough knowledge,” said Mayor Derek Armstead. “When we introduce reading to our children at a young age it provides them with the foundation needed to expand their knowledge and to inspire them in broadening their horizons. I want to thank Councilwoman Michele Yamakaitis in joining me in this effort.”
Promiseland Global Kids (PGK) was founded in 2006 by Law Cunningham and a team of talented and caring individuals in music, media and early childhood development. The company, which supports “strengthening our community through edu-tainment,” shared a vision in creating this groundbreaking children’s edu-tainment content. Their mission is to find corporations, small business owners, and City Officials, who will sponsor the purchase of the audio Smar-book for donation to a pre-school, daycare, after school program, youth organization, library and more. “We pride ourselves on our ability to successfully assimilate Core-Curriculum requirements in math, grammar, history and languages, into our educational platform,” said CEO Law Cunningham. “In addition to academic skills, our leaning modules encourage children to explore their creative talents.”
This event was the first event to kick-start the Adopt-A-Program to Read campaign. Mayor Armstead donated a check in the amount of $1040 to Shawn McClain of PGK for the Smartbooks. PG the Kangaroo performed one of the songs off the audio CD for the children and Mayor Armstead signed the books for those in attendance.
“This is a wonderful campaign to promote reading in our youth, and I am happy to be a part of this initiative, said Councilwoman Michele Yamakaitis. “Our focus lies with our next generation. It is our responsibility to help our children prepare for the challenges in their future and these books will help them as they begin a journey to success.”
For more information about Promiseland Global Kids (PGK), please visit their website at

(above, l-r) Councilwoman Michele Yamakaitis, PG the Kangaroo, and Mayor Armstead.

(above, l-r) Councilwoman Michele Yamakaitis, PG the Kangaroo, and Mayor Armstead.