Manners Are Key

The Key Club sponsored by Ellen Zamboni, School Counselor at the Arthur L. Johnson High School presented to the children of Clark Preschool a unit on “Manners.” The Key Club sponsored by Kiwanis International has a main objective to assist in carrying out their mission to serve the children of the world. The high school students provide hands-on-service to teach and reinforce manners an important part of social skills at the preschool level. The high school performed skits requiring feedback from the children demonstrating key manners and being a good friend. They ended their presentation by visiting the individual classrooms, singing a song about manners to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and distributed a healthy treat. The students kept the children riveted on key messages and the activities provided multiple ways to absorb the concepts providing maximum impact. At the preschool level, manners are an important part of social skills. Children who develop manners at a young age will carry them without thought into adulthood.
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