Majestic Winds, the professional wind band of t he New Jerse y Workshop fo r the Arts, will present a spring concert at the St. Helen’s Church, 1600 Ra hw ay Aven ue, Westfield, NJ on Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 7:30 p.m.
T he ensemble wi ll be di rec ted by H oward Toplansky, an NJWA staff instrumental instructor. “Our m usical offerings are geared to p lease a va riety of mus ic al tastes and range fr om Re naissance to Ragtime favo rites,” stat ed Toplansky.
“Das Pensionat” Overture by Franz von Suppe, Selections from “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” by Michel Legrand and “Accelerations Waltz” by Johann Strauss will be the main selections on the fi rst h alf of the conc ert . “Ballet Egyptien” by Alexandr e Lu igi ni, “ Night in the Tropics ” by Louis Moreau Gottschalk and Honolulu Rag will also be featur ed o n this progr am . Several fi ne march es w ill als o be perform ed which in clu de “Sons of the Brav e” by Thomas Bidgood, and “Arromanches by Albert E. Kelly.
Addition al n umbers inc luded in this co nce rt are: “Folk Festival” by Dmitri Shostakovich and “Millennium Echoes” by Dan Barlawsky.
This event is open to the public. Admission is free and contributions will be gratefully accepted.
For addition al inf ormati on a bout NJWA or Majestic Wi nds, call 908-78 9-9696 o r email
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