Madison to host 2022 Memorial Day Events
On Monday, May 30th the Borough of Madison will host the Memorial Day Ceremony and Parade. The Ceremony and Parade is coordinated by the Madison Patriotic Celebration Committee.
Please join us and honor the fallen heroes of Madison who gave their lives so that we could live in freedom. The Ceremony will begin at James Park at approximately 8:30 am with a wreath laying to honor the fallen of WWI, WWII, Korean and Viet Nam Wars, a short ceremony with remarks from American Legion Post 43.
At approximately 9:00 am the parade will start and will proceed down Main Street to Prospect Street, to Kings Road to the Hartley Dodge Memorial where the location of the ceremony will be designated, and the ceremony will continue.
Some of the participants in the parade will be:
Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Madison Police, American Legion Post 43, Madison High School Band, Thursday Morning Club, Madison Ambulance Corps, Madison Fire Dept, Florham Park Fire Dept, New Jersey National Guard.
The Ceremony will include:
Music by the Madison High School Band, Invocation and Benediction by Madison Clergy, National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance. Sixth grade student awards for best Poem, essay and artwork are based upon a theme recognizing the sacrifice of our fallen heroes. The awards are graciously provided through the generosity of The Thursday Morning Club and Jaeger Lumber. There will be several readings, and remarks from program participants, and the reading of the Honor Roll of the Dead.
The Patriotic Celebration Committee ask that all who are able, attend the ceremony and Parade to honor the fallen heroes of Madison.
Those who wish to participate in some way please e-mail the committee with your contact information to