Submitted by Eileen Ryan
The Madison Community House (MCH) was the venue on May 3rd for the Installation of the Thursday Morning Club (TMC) Officers for the 2-year term from 2018-2020. The Installation Ceremony was conducted by Barbara McCloskey, the current Vice President of the Highlands District, of the NJSFWC. Also in attendance was Jean Revis, President of the NJSFWC.
Carol Schessler the current TMC President welcomed all the guests, paid special recognition to past Thursday Morning Club presidents and announced members inducted into the Honor Roll and the Order of the Lily for 2018.
The festivities were preceded by a delicious luncheon catered by Nonnas of Florham Park.
Organized in 1896, the Thursday Morning Club owns, operates and maintains the Madison Community House and is a Member of the GFWC (General Federation of Women’s Clubs) and the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC). The Thursday Morning Club is a non-profit service organization with over 260 members whose goal is to provide services for the town of Madison and neighboring communities. For information about the Thursday Morning Club or membership, call the Community House at (973) 377-0244 or visit .
(above l, r) The Thursday Morning Club new Trustees installed for 2018-2020 are: 2nd Vice President Kathy Trombacco, Operations Olga Soriano, Recording Secretary Kathy Solu, Social Events Karen Jeisi, Programs Anne Meyer and Treasurer Carol Hartel. The Installation Ceremony was conducted by Barbara McCloskey (pictured on the far right), the current Vice President of the Highlands District, of the NJSFWC.