The Madison Rotary, in partnership with the Red Cross and the Madison YMCA, will hold a blood drive on Thursday, August 8th, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the YMCA on Kings Road. Blood supply is critically low. As an incentive to donate, the Red Cross is donating a $20 Amazon gift card to donors. But the real benefit is knowing that your donation can save up to three lives.
Kyle Becker, Vice President of the Madison Rotary, who is organizing this drive is a frequent donor. He says, “It’s easy, professionally run and it’s good to know that you are making a difference.”
There are two types of donations: A Power Red donation collects the red cells but returns most of the plasma and platelets to the donor. These donors must meet specific eligibility requirements and have type A Neg, B Neg, or O blood. Blood is the most common type of donation, during which approximately a pint of ‘whole blood’ is given. This type of blood donation usually takes about an hour.
If you are able to donate, and are at least 18 years old, please sign up at madisonrotarynj.org. Sign up with a friend; do it together.
The Madison Rotary has more than 85 members who live or work in the Madison area and who strive to make a positive difference in our local communities and have a global impact as well. The Madison Rotary focuses on youth development, reducing food insecurity and partnering with other organizations to meet community needs. Check madisonrotarynj.org for a schedule of speakers and events, to volunteer or to learn more. Contact Joe Smith, Membership
Chair, at info@madisonrotarynj.org to attend a meeting as a guest and to learn more about Madison Rotary.