Madison Public Library June 2023
All lecture programs are online via Zoom. You will receive Zoom instructions and online meeting information in your registration confirmation email in addition to a reminder email prior to the date of the program. Please register at madisonnjlibrary.org
Knitting Club
Monday, June 5th @1pm
Come have fun and knit with us! Our knitting club meets every Monday for 1pm-3pm. No registration required.
Spanish Conversation Hour-Zoom
Tuesday, June 13th @ 7pm
Come practice your Spanish with us! This program is for adults that already have a foundation in the language.
Digging Dinosaurs with Paleontologist Joe Kchodl-Zoom
Tuesday, June 13th @7pm
Come join us to learn about Joe’s fascinating discoveries over 20 years of being a paleontologist.
Zentangle Bookmarks
Wednesday, June 14th @10:30am
Join us in person to make Zentangle bookmarks with artist Mimi Topping. Zentanagle is a fun, easy, and relaxing of drawing. It uses structured patterns, simple tools, and very basic pen-strokes to create beautiful art.
Adult Craft Club- T-shirt scarf
Wednesday, June 21st @ 10:30am
Join us to make a scarf out of a t-shirt! All supplies will be provided. . Registration required.
Forensic Anthropology with the Mutter Museum of Philadelphia-Zoom
Tuesday, June 27th @7pm
What happens when a skeleton is discovered? How do scientists use bones to solve crimes? Come learn about the role of forensic anthropology in criminal investigations, and how they find what can be learned from skeletal remains. This lecture is presented by the Mutter Muesuem.
Adult Open Craft Night
Wednesday, June 28th @6:30pm
Working on a project or looking to start one but don’t have the time, space or peace and quiet to do it at home? Bring it to Open Craft Night! Work on any project you like, you can even bring your Take N Makes that you have been meaning to get to for a while. This is a great way to connect with other crafters and have a designated time set aside just for you to work on what you love. Basic supplies will be provided. Want to join us but do not have a project? Adult coloring pages and colored pencils will be provided!