LWV Hosts Dr. Mitch Erickson
Submitted by Marlene Sincaglia
On April 20, The League of Women Voters of Berkeley Heights, New Providence & Summit will be hosting a virtual program, which is open to the public. Our speaker is Dr. Mitch Erickson. The topic is “What does our post-COVID-19 technology world look like?” Dr. Erickson stated, “As we cocoon at home and worry about our health, we see glimmers of our post-COVID-19 future. We will move toward a new normal. What might be different?” Dr. Erickson will focus on the technology changes that can help make our new normal a better world to live in.
Mitch Erickson retired at the end of 2018 from the Science and Technology directorate of the US DHS. Dr. Erickson’s consultancy focuses on technology trends that represent opportunities and threats to society markets and our homeland security. He shapes goals, methods and strategies for advancing technology programs. He develops strategies that will influence our technology future. Dr. Erickson has an extensive track record for convening multiple professional disciplines and viewpoints for cohesive shared vision- and goal-focus.
The meeting on April 20 starts at 7:30 p.m. To register for the link please send an email toLWVBHNPS@yahoo.com