Long Hill Girl Scouts 2021 Campfire and Sing-Along
Submitted by Margaret Keegan
Long Hill Township’s Girl Scout Troops and families came together to partake in the annual campfire event on the grounds of the Stirling Elks property on Saturday, November 13th. The Cadette Troops hosted and showed their impressive fire building skills, but of course, no fire would be complete without delicious s’mores enjoyed by all! Each troop shared in the sing-along, singing traditional girl scout songs they have learned over the years, while introducing the youngest Daisy Troop members to some catchy tunes. It was a memorable evening filled with bonding and camaraderie within our girl scout community.
In the girl scout spirit of giving back, all attendees were asked to bring non-perishable food items, diapers, and/or baby formula to support local families in need.
Thank you to Lombardo farms for graciously donating the firewood and Stirling Elks for allowing use of the property.