Submitted by Michelle Cavett, Long Hill Chamber of Commerce President
The Long Hill Chamber of Commerce has several “Business Builders” planned for 2017. We will be holding several dynamic networking events this year to help connect business owners/operators in the area. This can lead to business services being utilized as well as referrals.
For example, I found Pieper Payroll through meeting the owner, Jeff Pieper at a Chamber-sponsored networking event. A year later when the time came to engage payroll services, I immediately thought of him, and have been extremely pleased with his services ever since.
Through our “speed-networking” sessions, a regular part of our events, business owners/operators are paired up and exchange ideas and connections. For example, I was recently connected through a speed-networking session to a school which I was not aware even existed. When my speednetworking partner suggested it, I asked if he had any connections. He gave me the name of the owner and now I’m presenting a proposal for a pre-school karate program for them. I never would have even thought of them had I not been sharing what I was looking for with my partner.
Other types of Business Builders we have planned are “Lunch and Learn” where we will have an expert speaker addressing a common business concern. We will start off in March with social media topics, as this is what Chamber members tell us is the area they feel they are the weakest, but has the most potential for growing their business. We want to help our members achieve their business growth goals and help make the Long Hill businesses strong and prosperous through dedicated service to our community. If you are a business owner/operator and would like to be part of the Long Hill Chamber of Commerce, please contact me at mcavett@karate4peace.com or call (908)647-4194.