Long Hill 10U Spring Travel Team Win Championship Game

(above, l-r) Back row: Coaches Gary Veracco, Greg Hurley, and Pete D’Andrea. Players: Jackson Gallina, Ari Libeskind, Mason Birckhead, Joseph Weuste, Lucas Lombardo, Ryan D’Andrea, James Veracco, Dean Hurley, Tyler Janis, Desmond FInken, Jake Varvar (not pictured: Sam Firer).

Long Hill 10U Spring Travel Champions

Submitted by Jackie Hurley

The Long Hill 10U Spring Travel team finished their season on Father’s Day, June 16, 2024, by playing their opponent Parsippany in the championship game. Long Hill was down 1-0 in the top of the 6th. The boys loaded the bases. Tyler Janis was calm at the plate with two outs against him and drew a walk which tied the game. Then Jackson Gallina cleared the bases by hitting a 3 run double to secure the lead. Desmond Finken finished his complete game with an impressive 12 strikeouts.

Courtesy photos

(above) Players with their fathers and grandfathers.