Linden Fire Department Free Smoke Detector Install Day

The Linden Fire Department along with the American Red Cross, Kidde Fire Safety and Linden FMBA Locals 34 and 234 successfully completed another free smoke detector install day on Saturday, June 11.
Teams canvassed the 4th ward in Linden, installing 117 smoke detectors, 48 carbon monoxide detectors, changing countless batteries and canvasing 750 homes with Home Fire Safety Information.
Linden Fire Department Chief Joseph Dooley and 4th Ward Councilman Monty Brooks were in attendance to thank the many volunteers for their service and commitment to help keep Linden Safe.
The Fire Safety campaign started last year is a 5 year program to install free smoke detectors in residents home, this was our 4th install day. To date the program has installed almost 500 detectors in 225 homes and canvased over 2800 homes.
The Linden Fire Department was also able to offer residents free carbon monoxide detectors provided by Kidde Fire Safety along with the free smoke detectors provided by the Red Cross. The carbon monoxide detectors were donated by the Kidde Fire Safety Company after hearing of the tragic loss of a young Linden resident that did not have a working carbon monoxide detector in the home. The Kidde company donated 75 free detectors to the Linden Fire Department and made it possible for us to get more at a discounted rate so we can make sure our residents have a working CO detector in their homes so that this tragedy may never happen again in our community.
If there are any Linden resident in the fourth ward we did not visit or anyone in any ward that would like the fire department to visit to install free smoke detectors, you can call Linden Fire Prevention Bureau at 908-474-4560 and let them know you would like to set up an install.
Linden FD Smoke Install day