Lincoln School Student Council Visits the State House

(above) Garwood students and school staff, New Jersey State Senator Jon Bramnick, and Governor Phil Murphy.

Lincoln School Visits the State House

Garwood Public Schools

In June, fifth through eighth grade members of the Garwood Public Schools Student Council visited the State House in Trenton for a guided tour where they expanded their knowledge of state symbols and the legislative process. A previously scheduled meeting with Senator Jon Bramnick (District 21) was one of the highlights of the students’ visit. Senator Bramnick led the students in a discussion about the path a bill takes from starting as an idea to becoming a law. 

As the group made their way from a conference room to the rotunda, Senator Bramnick introduced them to Assemblywoman Nancy Munoz who also represents legislative district 21, where the students reside. Assemblywoman Munoz shared further insights about the responsibilities of elected officials with the students.

(above) State Senator Jon Bramnick engaged the students and answered multiple questions.

Outside of the Governor’s office, Senator Bramnick reached out to Governor Murphy who came from his office to meet with students in the rotunda, graciously posing for several photographs. 

Afterwards, NJ Supreme Court nominee John Jay Hoffman passed through the rotunda, and the senator introduced the state’s former attorney general to the students. He, too, graciously offered words of advice to the students; he encouraged them to, “…work hard and find passion in what you do, and you will end up in a good spot.” 

At the conclusion of the meeting with Senator Bramnick, he answered multiple questions and even posed for selfies with the students! Before travelling back to Garwood, students stopped by a committee room in the State House Annex to listen to testimony provided by invited guests to the Assembly Higher Education Committee.

Although members of the Garwood Schools Student Council frequently visit the State House on their annual field trip, Principal Mary Emmons and Student Council advisor Tamara Benc, who both chaperoned the trip, agreed that this 2024 visit was extraordinary. Students, too, remarked on and were impressed by the knowledge, friendliness, sense of humor, and approachability of their senator.

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