Library of the Chathams holds Grand Opening for New Teen Center

(above) Mayor Ewald (Chatham Township) & Mayor Dempsy (Chatham Borough) cut the ribbon at the Grand Opening of the new Teen Center at the Library of the Chathams.

Grand Opening of Teen Center Celebrated

Library of the Chathams 

Library of the Chathams held an official grand opening ceremony of its new Teen Center, on Friday, April 12. This exciting addition to the library comes as a result of years of dedication and community support.

The need for a designated space for teens within the library was identified by the Library Board of Trustees back in 2012, during a comprehensive community survey and strategic planning process. Through the generosity and commitment of various stakeholders, this vision has now become a reality.

(above) The Library of the Chathams had the support of both the Borough and Township elected officials for the Grand Opening of their new Teen Center. Pictured L to R: Borough Mayor, Carolyn Dempsey, Township Committeeperson, Marty McHugh, Library Board of Trustees President, Andrew Hollander, Library of the Chathams Director, Karen Brodsky,  Township Mayor, Stacey Ewald, Borough Council Member, Justin Strickland and Township Deputy Mayor, Mike Choi. 

The Woman’s Club of Chatham played a pivotal role in kickstarting the initiative with their generous donation of $150,000. On application by Friends of the Library of the Chathams, The Hyde and Watson Foundation contributed an additional $25,000 for the project. Moreover, numerous individuals from the community also contributed, demonstrating widespread support.

The Teen Center is poised to become a vibrant hub for the teens of the Chathams, offering a diverse range of resources tailored to their interests and needs. From study spaces to an after school recreational facility, the center aims to provide a welcoming environment where teens can learn, socialize, and explore new opportunities. The entire Young Adult book collection is now housed in this area.

About the Chatham Library 

Library of the Chathams serves as a vital community resource, offering a wide array of programs, services, and resources to residents of Chatham Borough and Chatham Township. With a commitment to lifelong learning and enrichment, the library strives to empower individuals of all ages to explore, discover, and connect.

Courtesy photos

(above) Mayor Stacey Ewald, Audrey Cicchino, Em Babiak and Mayor Carolyn Dempsey all spoke at the Library of the Chatham’s Teen Center Grand Opening
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