Kumpf Student Fundraiser Raises Money for Classmate

(above) Top row: Jenn Barbera, Christine Thornton, Kelsey Jogis, Amany Zakry; Bottom row: Sebastian Peralta, David Piotroski, Maryam Ahmed, Trevor Keller and Bryan Rodrigues.

Kumpf Student Bracelet Fundraiser

Submitted by Christine Broski

With the extraordinary support of the Clark Public Schools, Clark Community, and beyond, the bracelet fundraiser run by the students and teachers in Ms. Jennifer Barbera’s class at Carl H. Kumpf Middle School was able to donate $3,200 dollars to Julia’s Morreale’s gofundme page. Barbera stated, “The outpouring of support from the schools, as well as the community, has been so meaningful. My class and I only could have hoped that this fundraiser would be this successful and we are thrilled that we have been able to support Julia’s family.” 

Morreale, one of the class’s students, is currently undergoing cancer treatment in California. Her classmates have taken on an active role in the bracelet selling, packaging the bracelets (with gloves on) and selling them. The sales of the bracelets are still going on. If you would like a bracelet, reach out to Jenn Barbera (jbarbera@clarkschools.org) or Christine Thornton (cthornton@clarkschools.org).

Photo by Clark Public Schools

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