Carl H. Kumpf Middle School Promotion Ceremony

(above) Valedictorian Amelia Helena Hajduk
Photo by Clark Public Schools

Kumpf Middle School Promotion Ceremony

Clark Public Schools

On Wednesday, June 21st, eighth graders at Carl H. Kumpf Middle School in Clark participated in a promotion ceremony. The event was attended by Board of Education President Steven Donkersloot, Board of Education members, Superintendent Edward Grande, family members, teachers, administrators, and other community members.

The ceremony began with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Student Council President Olivia Reese Fabros. The “Star-Spangled Banner” was sung by Isabella Hernandez.

Salutatorian Aja X. Yerovi said one of the most important lessons she learned in middle school is it is okay to make mistakes.  “None of us are perfect. We’re human. We all make mistakes. They are a part of life. What matters is how you deal with them. Do you quit? Or do you learn?” She continued. “Success isn’t just about achieving your goals. It’s about the journey you take to get there.”

Superintendent Edward Grande also addressed the class. Grande stated, “You should be most proud of your accomplishments in the classroom, on the athletic field, and on the stage.” He continued, “You are leaving Kumpf very well-equipped for this new challenge.”

Delmonaco congratulated all of those who received awards at the awards ceremony held the previous week. He noted two special awards given then. The Citizenship Award was given to Luke Ashley. The Faculty Award was given to Gavin Ford. He also recognized two teacher retirements Patricia Healy and Maria Falzone. He addressed the class stating, “It truly has been an honor to work with each of you. I commend all of you for your work ethic, perseverance, and your ability to change course a number of times.”  

Valedictorian Amelia Helena Hajduk reflected on her time at Kumpf thanking her family, teachers, and friends. She stated, “Our middle school careers may have seemed impossible to end but there is still so much to come in the future.” She continued, “Before you know it, you will be graduating from high school so make every moment count.”

Assistant Principal Amanda Clarke read the names and Board of Education Members presented the students with diplomas. 

Superintendent Edward Grande stated, “It was a pleasure being able to spend the evening with these now high school freshmen. It is exciting to think about the possibilities that await the Class of 2027.”

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