“Kristallnacht And Beyond”

“What’s Brewing?” At Wilson Memorial Church Erwin Ganz To Speak On “Kristallnacht And Beyond”

(above) Erwin Ganz

(above) Erwin Ganz

On Sunday April 10, Mary E. Wilson Memorial Church in Watchung will host holocaust survivor Erwin Ganz for its on-going series of discussions and presentations, “What’s Brewing at Wilson”? Mr Ganz will speak on “My Story: Kristallnacht and Beyond”, his personal story about growing up as a young Jewish boy in Germany at the beginning of the Nazi regime. His description of Kristallnacht, “The Night of Broken Glass,” in 1938, is seen through the eyes of an eight year old boy. He speaks about his family life before Hitler, and how all of that changed in a short period of time. The public is invited to attend this presentation which will begin at 11:20 AM, following the 10 AM worship service.
Born in Frankfurt, Germany in August 1929, Erwin Ganz lived there until he was three years old, when his family was forced to leave, and had to relocate to Bernkastel Koos, Germany. They emigrated to the United States in April, 1939, when Erwin was age 9, and settled in Newark, New Jersey.
Ganz grew up in New Jersey, learned English, graduated from Weequahic High School and Seton Hall University, and also served nine years in the New Jersey National Guard. He also raised his own family while serving six-plus decades with the Ronson Corporation, retiring as a Director of the corporation. Erwin Ganz now speaks of his experiences at colleges, high schools, synagogues and churches and has spoken at the NJ State House in Trenton. Wilson Memorial Church is located at 7 Valley Road in Watchung, at the intersection with Hillcrest Road, just off the Watchung circle. For further information, contact the church office at (908) 755-5020.