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Golf Outing Check presentation to Cranford 86
John Doolan
During the Cranford VFW’s Annual Veteran’s Day breakfast, the Cranford Knights of Columbus presented a check in the amount of $5,000 to Don Sweeney and the Cranford 86 Project (Cranford 86) from the proceeds of our Annual Golf Outing which was another tremendous success.
Cranford 86 is an organization that recognizes and memorializes the 86 Cranford residents who were killed in the line of duty defending our country. The Cranford Council and the Knights of Columbus as an international organization has and always will support our veteran community, and we have supported many veteran support organizations for many years.
Over the years, we have developed a close relationship with the Cranford VFW, and we would like to thank Post Commander Mark Schwartz, and brother Jim D’Arcy and Post 335 for allowing us to make our presentation at their breakfast this year.
Cranford Council supports many worthy charities and civic causes and is committed to being a viable part of our community. For information about joining the Cranford Council, please contact our Grand Knight Kevin Cumiskey at 973-390-9327 or visit our web site, cranfordknights.org.