(above) Kiwanis Club of Linden raised funds for Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation.
Kiwanis Club of Linden Gives Back to the Community
March 21, 2019 marked the successful conclusion of the Kiwanis Club of Linden’s Annual Walk-A-Thon Halloween Parade Project, which was held jointly with all our K-Kids Clubs at the Linden elementary schools on October 29, 2018. Children’s Specialized Hospital (CSH) was presented with a total check amount for $1,250; $750.00 of which was raised by the K-Kids Clubs along with Kiwanis Club of Linden donation. Also, a $500 donation was given by Infineum (a long-standing Kiwanis Club member). John Samsel, of Samsel & Associates Real Estate Services, had attended this meeting and was so impressed by the services of Children’s Specialized Hospital, that he had Billy Cardone, Community Engagement Manager Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation, come by his office for an additional $250 donation.
CSH is the largest pediatric rehabilitation healthcare system in the United States. It is the preeminent provider of rehabilitation for children with special needs, serving children affected by brain injury, spinal cord dysfunction and injury, premature birth, Autism, developmental delays, and life-changing illnesses. Children’s Specialized has 13 sites in New Jersey and treats over 35,000 children each year.
Many thanks, also, to Dr. Danny Robertozzi, Superintendent of the Linden Public Schools, for supporting this fun fundraising event, which has become a Linden Public Schools and Kiwanis Club of Linden tradition.
Our Kiwanis Club of Linden was organized on November 7, 1946 and is looking to expand our membership. As this non-profit organization’s population ages, regeneration is vital. Kiwanis is an International Organization, and the mission is to change the world one community, one child at a time. So, let’s continue to change Linden’s future by continuing to teach children about serving others and community leadership. Our club supports the K-Kid programs in all the Public Elementary Schools throughout Linden.
If interested in joining, or would like to attend a meeting to get more information about the Linden Kiwanis Club, please contact the Membership Chair, June Lazaro, at 908-930-8310. Our next open meeting for guests is Thursday, May 16, 2019, 12:15 p.m. at Primavera Restaurant, and June 6, 2019 at the Flaming Grill, both in Linden.
Special thanks to our community for the support of time and money throughout the years. Our success depends on our community. Thank you for all you do!
Submitted by Lois I. Bass