Kindergarteners Hunt for the Gingerbread Man

The sweet smell of gingerbread wafted through the hallways as kindergartners at Mt. Horeb School went on a schoolwide scavenger hunt for the Gingerbread Man on Dec. 7. Organized by librarian Christine Burkhardt, the kindergartners have been reading gingerbread-related stories, including “The Library Gingerbread Man,” “The Gingerbread Man Loose at the Zoo,” and “The Gingerbread Man Loose at Christmas.” Then, in search of the Gingerbread Man himself, the youngsters followed clues that led them from place to place“If he eats my lunch, I’m going to eat him for lunch,” said one youngster. The search ended in each kindergarten classroom, where a plate of freshly baked gingerbread cookies awaited them.

(above) Mt. Horeb Kindergarten teacher Meredith Fishelman reads a clue from the Gingerbread Man, as her students use letters to spell out the next stop.
Photo credit: Warren Township Schools