Kenilworth Senior Club June Events
The Kenilworth Senior club will hold their June meeting on the first Wednesday of the month, June 5th at 1 p.m. This will be our last meeting for the summer and will resume on September 4th. Our speaker in June will be retiring police chief Fred Soos.
Our Atlantic City bus trip to Resorts is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18. The price is $40 which includes the bus, Resorts free play, Bingo and 50/50 can be purchased on the ride down, and a snack and movie on the return ride. Please contact Lillian Furze at 908-709-0515 to reserve your spot.
The Senior Citizens Club is taking on new memberships now and reminding current members to renew their membership.
The senior club is actively looking for volunteers to help with our county lunch programs on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. The phone number for the senior club is 908-272-7743 please leave a message if no answer.